So rewind to September 25th when my husband found these cuties abandoned at his jobsite, they were just little bones. Absolutely STARVED!

After they all ran up to him & started purring he was convinced they needed a good safe home. Needless to say my husband collected them effortlessly and brought them to OUR home.

My experience *My husband told me he found kittens and he was going to bring one – the grey one – home. I had already had a very long day – sewing with my mother in law & working a grand opening – Much to my surprise when I came home I found not one, but three kittens!

Of course the boys are instantly infatuated with the cute little munchkins and claim their babies.. I guess let the naming commence!

– Simba, Oreo, Peaches to name a few options –

– but finally after much deliberation we agreed upon Reese, Sage & Mavis!

Fast-forward a few weeks and my sister calls asking about getting the boys neutered before they learn to spray.. me adamant that they are girls protest and she insists it is very rare to only get a liter of girls..

We check via facetime and yep…. Mavis… is a BOY!!!

—-> Whoops…..Everyone meet DRAX!

I got a good laugh and learned maybe I should check for myself.. my sister eased my bruised ego by saying it happened to her before and is actually difficult to tell when they are so young…


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